Über Robin McKenzie

Robin Anthony McKenzie in seinem Heimatort Raumati, Neuseeland.
Robin Anthony McKenzie wurde 1931 in Auckland geboren. Er besuchte das Wairarapa College, studierte an der Universität von Otago und machte 1952 seinen Abschluss an der New Zealand School of Physiotherapy in Dunedin. 1953 eröffnete er seine Praxis in Wellington. Schon früh entdeckte er sein besonderes Interesse an Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden.
Zu Lebzeiten brachte ihm sein immenser Beitrag zum Verständnis und zr Behandlung von Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden weltweite Anerkennung ein. Er erhielt zahlreiche Ehrungen von medizinischen und wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften verschiedneer Länder.
Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse unterstützen mittlerweile die Bedeutung seiner Theorien. Immer mehr Studien bestätigen die Wirksamkeit seiner Behandlungsstrategien.
2004 | Physical therapists in the Orthopaedic Section of the APTA named him the number one most influential and distinguished physical therapist in the field of orthopaedic physical therapy. |
2000 | Awarded as a Companion of New Zealand Order of Merit. |
1998 | Awarded Honorary Life Member of the New Zealand College of Physiotherapy. |
1993 | Awarded Honorary Doctorate of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia. |
1990 | Awarded Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists in the United Kingdom, and in the 1990 Queen's Birthday Honours was made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. |
1987 | Awarded Honorary Life Member of the New Zealand Manipulative Therapists Association. |
1985 | Awarded Honorary Fellowship of the New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists. |
1984 | Named a Fellow of the American Back Society. |
1983 | Elected to membership of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. |
1982 | Awarded Honorary Life Member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) |
Video Interviews mit Robin McKenzie
Nachdem er in den Ruhestand gegangen war, engagierte sich Robin McKenzie als internationaler Berater verschiedener Institutionen, die im Bereich der Forschung und Behandlung von Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden tätig sind.
Aside from his professional life, Robin McKenzie had three other passions: first and foremost was his family. Robin described his family as the “truly strong spine of his life.” They supported him through the struggles of his early professional career, celebrated the accolades he received for his achievements, and supported him in the difficult times of his illness.
Sailing and gardening were hobbies that he loved. In 1970, he bought a 40-foot sailing ketch and taught himself to sail, becoming so competent that he eventually competed in several long distance regattas. His gardening was also done with characteristic thoroughness.
He created gardens of spectacular beauty, one of which consisted entirely of native New Zealand plants.
On the 13th May 2013, Robin McKenzie died peacefully after a courageous battle with cancer. He was at his home in Raumati, New Zealand, surrounded by his beloved family. He is survived by his wife and soul mate, Joy, four children and six grandchildren.
Robin McKenzie created The McKenzie Institute International in 1982 and led its growth into a worldwide educational organisation. Physiotherapists, doctors, chiropractors and other allied health professionals in 40 different countries have been educated in the McKenzie Method and the expansion of The McKenzie Institute’s Education Programme continues to grow.